The picturesque village of Avila, in Castilla and Leon, is famous for its walls, their devotion to Sant Teresa and the quality of their meats. As a result, if you are wondering what to eat in Avila, we bring you the list with the most famous Avila foods hoping you are a meat lover!
What to eat in Avila, Spain? The 5 most famous foods from Avila you must try
Their food’s main ingredients are meat and fats as, with temperatures dropping below 0°C in winter, calories are a must to stay warm!
If you visit make sure to try the following food specialties:
1. The most famous of the foods in Avila: Chuletón de Ávila
An absolute must for meat lovers. The meat can be beef or ox and they key to its yumminess is that it is local. It has a wholesome flavour, a soft texture and it is served normally in pieces of around 1 kg.
2. Another classic Avila food: Patatas revolconas o meneadas
Mash potato with spices and pork scratchings. They were originally a popular dish for farmers.
The accommodation in Ávila is quite affordable so if you want to treat yourself we recommend you stay in Parador the Avila. Paradores are luxury hotels managed by the Spanish state and generally located in the most picturesque buildings like castles and monasteries. Check out Parador de Avila >
3. Judiones del Barco. The heaviest of the Avila Foods
A locally grown bean cooked in a stew with ribs, bacon, chorizo, blood pudding, garlic and onion. As you can imagine for the calorie count, it does get very cold in winter in Avila and the food specialties really show it!
4. The most famous soup in Avila: Sopa Castellana or Castilian soup
This is indeed a Spanish classic. Sopa Castellana is a soup, commonly cooked in winter.
The main ingredients are broth, garlic, bread, egg, paprika and serrano ham. It is very tasty and filling and it is served in a clay casserole.
5. And what to eat in Avila for dessert? Yemas de Santa Teresa
The city of Avila is famous for being the place where Santa Teresa was born. This is the most famous dessertin the area and it is named after her.
Bakers make them with egg jog, water, sugar, lemon and cinnamon. A sweet treat of the area not to be missed!